Salmon Burgers

§ Ingredients

  • Three 5 oz pouches of wild salmon, drained.

  • One (1) large egg.

  • 12 cup breadcrumbs (may be gluten-free).

  • 1 tsp ground black pepper.

  • 1 – 2 tablespoons of dried dill.

  • Two (2) tablespoons of olive oil.

  • Optional: 1 – 2 teaspoons garlic powder.

§ Method

Drain pouches of salmon of excess water and place in large mixing bowl. Using a fork, break up salmon into small flake-like pieces. Add remaining ingredients (except olive oil) and mix well. Set aside. In a large non-stick frying pan and add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Set heat on stove top to medium and preheat the pan. Form salmon mixture into 4 – 6 patties. Place patties gently into fry pan and cover. Cook about 4 – 5 minutes until patties are sufficiently browned on the bottom. Flip patties with spatula and cover pan again. Cook about 3 – 4 minutes on second side until the second side is browned. Remove from pan and place on plate to cool. Once cooled eat with your favorite vegetable or place in refrigerator in a covered container.

§ Substitutions

  • One pound ground turkey or lean ground beef instead of salmon.

  • Dried parsley may be used instead of dried dill.

§ Notes from Joan

Salmon burgers are a good protein source and contain healthy fat. Eat burger with a side of cooked or raw fresh vegetables (carbohydrates and fiber) for a complete meal.



The case for purified fish oil: superior omega-3 healthy fats.

Healthy fats are an essential part of the diet, and omega-3s are especially important.  The best type of omega-3s are found in fish, but most people cannot get enough without consuming fish oil.  Because our oceans are polluted, contamination concentrates in fish and then in us limiting the amount of fish we should consume.  To get the healthy benefits we need while avoiding those unhealthy toxins we turn to purified fish oil.

Why Omega-3s?

Fat is an essential nutrient along with protein and healthy carbohydrates.  Fat has gotten a bad rap since it is dense in calories and people associate the fat they eat with the fat on their bodies.  Healthy dietary fats support brain and spinal cord function, the immune system, your eye sight and much more.  It also helps to control hunger and balance blood-sugar levels.  Some  sources of healthy fat would be olives and olive oil, canola oil, avocado, nuts, seeds and sea food.  We want to avoid trans fats in processed foods and some margarine and limit saturated fat from fatty meats, fried foods  and full-fat dairy products.

Omega-3s are one very important subcategory of healthy fat.

Why fish oil?

Not all omega-3s are the same.  The omega-3s from fish are different from those found in plant sources.   Those found in fish are especially powerful and are anti-inflammatory at the cellular level.

Plant sources such as walnuts, flax, chia seed, hemp seed, sea vegetables and some leafy greens are also important sources of omega-3s, but not the same as those found in fish.  It’s good to have sources of both.

There have been efforts to find cheaper and more plentiful sources of omega-3s.  Once again, not all omega-3s are the same.  There is no reason to believe that substitutes will be as healthy as fish oil.

Why purified fish oil?

On the one hand, we need the healthy benefits of fish and fish oil.  On the other hand, we are at the top of the food chain, and toxins, including those from  man-made pollution, concentrate as we move up the food chain.  The solution is purified fish oil from a reliable and trusted source.

For more information, see Barry Sears, PhD.  Dr. Sears is the leading source of scholarly research on the science behind fish oil and omega-3s.  In particular I appreciate his book Toxic Fat, When good fat turns bad, ISBN 978-1-4016-0429-5.  (I have many of his other books too.  Some are great sources for recipes.)

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