Source: Katlyn Hutchings, MS, RD
§ Ingredients
One (1) pound ground turkey.
8 – 12 oz. frozen spinach, not thawed, broken into small pieces.
1⁄2 teaspoon black pepper.
1 teaspoon garlic powder.
Olive oil or avocado oil sufficient to coat frying-pan bottom.
Optional: 6 – 8 oz feta cheese.
§ Method
Mix all ingredients (except for oil) in large mixing bowl using a fork. Form into patties of desired size and quantity. Coat bottom of frying pan with healthy oil and preheat on medium heat. Add patties to hot pan, cover and cook about 5 – 7 minutes or until desired brownness on bottom of patties; reduce heat if smoky or if oil spatters. Flip patties and cook second side for another 5 – 7 minutes or until desired brownness achieved. Cool patties on plate which has been lined with clean paper towels.
§ Notes from Joan
Top with a juicy tomato slice, avocado or hummus.
May store left overs in refrigerator 2 – 3 days.
Delicious cold in a lunch bag, as a hot meal or as a quick snack.
A great protein source; eat with veggies for a complete meal with fiber and carbohydrate.
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