How do I find recipes for my needs?

Some of these recipes are my original creations. Sometimes I post recipes from other sources and add my own comments and modifications. (And I always give credit to the original source!) But how can you find the recipes on that you want? Two methods are described below.

Search using tags that I have chosen

Each post has “tags” which are key words like “gluten free” or “paleo” to help search engines find the content. Once you find my website,, you can easily find recipes and articles by category using these same tags. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Look for the section “Themes” at the bottom of the web page.
  2. You will find a “tag cloud” with many words. The size of the word indicates how often it appears on my web site.
  3. Using your mouse, left-click on any tag.
  4. You will be taken a page which presents your desired content.
  5. Choose your favorites and share with your friends!
    • Search using any word you choose

      What if you are looking for something that may be on my site, but you don’t see the right word in the tag cloud? Use “Search”!

      1. Look for the section “Search” at the bottom of the the web page.
      2. Use your keyboard to type in the word you want and press the “Enter” key.
      3. Enjoy the posts and articles that are presented.
      4. Try it! For example, enter the word “quinoa”. (Don’t be surprised that it returns this page.)


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